5 Ways to Healthy Eating & a Healthier Lifestyle


The Greener, The Better

Green is widely known as the color of nature, freshness, and life. It is one of the most soothing colors you can lay your eyes on. The significance of the green color, however, does not end at that. 

The refreshingly colored vegetables and fruits are loaded with specific nutrients that prevent the risk of cancer. The green vegetables are also rich in Lutein, promoting skin health, making it more elastic and resistant to UV damage from the sun. 

According to Harvard Health, green leafy vegetables have strongly been associated with a lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

Adding the greens in your diet can help you consume more nutrients and vitamins that boost your energy levels and overall health.

Each Day, Strive for Five

According to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), intake of four hundred grams of fruits and vegetables per day can prevent chronic diseases. Hence, their ‘5 A Day’ campaign emphasizes having a combination of five fruits every day. These are, however, exclusive of starchy tubers like potatoes. 

Fruits and vegetables are a rich source for potassium, folate, and other vitamins. The fiber in these nutrient-rich goodnesses keeps your digestive system trouble-free as well.

Initially, it may sound impossible to add five fruits and vegetables in your diet. We have a few tips to help you;

  1. Breakfast: Add one portion (80g) of your favorite fruit in your cereal and enjoy it with another fruit’s smoothie.
  2. Noon snack: Have a mug of milkshake around noon, or an hour before lunchtime. This will not only double the benefit on an empty stomach, but it will also stimulate your appetite until lunchtime. 
  3. Lunch & Dinner: Have your meals with salad as aside. Cucumbers and onions make a great salad for a stronger immune system. The coolness of cucumbers and the onions’ anti-bacterial qualities play a great role in achieving a healthy gut. 


Vitamins for the Win

We all need vitamins to live a healthy life. They help us with a strong immune system, healing of wounds, and other daily activities. These are essential for your overall growth and maintenance of health. 

For instance, a sufficient amount of Vitamin A means healthy eyes, skin teeth, while Vitamin B12 helps with metabolism. It is mostly recommended that you get these vitamins from food. However, if you feel like you have deficiencies, you may only take multivitamins with doctor’s advice. 

Other than that, foods like eggs, avocados, oranges, and dark leafy vegetables are highly rich in vitamins. You can consult a good healthy meal planning consultant who can customize your meal plan according to your needs. 

Nothing Beats Exercise

No one can deny the benefits regular exercise brings. It has instant and long-term effects that help with physical and mental health. Various studies have proven these benefits, and we all know these by now. 

As little as 10 minutes of physical exercise shows significant effects on an individual’s mood. Research has also shown that regular exercise over a more extended period can also help with alleviating depression. It may take a bit longer than expected, but the impact is long-lasting at the end. 

Sip, Sip, and Sip

Have you ever been with a friend who keeps telling you to drink water no matter what problem you share with them? 

You tell them you have acne; they ask you to have more water. You tell them you have digestion issues; they ask you to drink water. Even if you tell them that you can not concentrate while working, they ask you to have more water!

Well, guess what? That friend of yours is right.

Water is the single most crucial component of a healthy body. If you adopt healthy eating but do not follow the recommended water intake, you are still in trouble. 

Acne, digestion issues, and concentration problems are just the tip of the ice-berg. If you are not drinking enough water, you might also be damaging your brain. Scientific studies have shown that dehydrated cells are associated with brain dysfunction. 

It is highly recommended to have at least 2 liters of water every day. Make sure to never compromise on any less.