About Us

Our journey started when our founder, Yolanda Lewis, found out the importance of nutrition and meal planning due to her personal experiences. Advanced Creative Solution then came into being as a result of an intimate encounter with the implications of healthy eating.

She learned nutrition first-hand on her loved ones and, therefore, knows it all by heart. Healthy eating and alternate diet have worked wonders in her life, and that of her loved ones.

Our aim with Advanced Creative Solution is to bring you the same wonderful experience by providing meal solutions that positively and profoundly impact your lives.


Advanced Creative Solutions is a holistic positive healthy driven ministry with a purpose to teach on healthy living and valuing our precious temple.


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I began my nutrition focus health journey as a mother passionate about the health of my family and my love for cooking which grew into advocating for more plant based meals options in schools and at work. But promoting our best health through nutrition has been the work of my life and like all of its many parts it is a work in progress and one that I am ecstatic to share with you!


Our goal is to educate clients in the following areas:
1. Removal of unhealthy foods from your diet.
2. Replacement of unhealthy foods with healthier alternatives
3. Improving health, apperance, and vitality.
4. Rebalancing which is adapting new lifestyle habits to support good health
5. Detoxing
6. One on One consulting
7. Food prepartation
8. Delivery of meals